miércoles, 13 de mayo de 2009

If All the Clocks Stopped Working - by Michael

The clocks stopped because the bad Clock Stopper stopped every clock. I woke up with the truck that gets the trash. Then I told myself, "Why didn´t my watch go off?" Then I looked at my clock and it was stopped. Oh no! Were all the clocks stopped or was it only mine? I had to see.

My brother was the best electrician, so I went to him. There were lot´s of people but he wasn´t there. He was fighting the bad Clock Stopper.

It was noon now. I went to help him. Nobody wanted to lose the clocks, so we had to do something.

I made shoes that would make me fast. Isaiah got a big machine and put it on his back, grabbed the handles and that is how the battle began.

To Be continued.

7 comentarios:

Alicia The Snowflake dijo...

Good job! I can't wait to read the rest of the story!

Nina in Portugal dijo...

ooooo...waiting patiently on the continuation....!!

...will the bad clock stopper take over the world??? Or will the Crew take care of him?!?

Janice: AKA Nanny dijo...

Michael, This is so cool. I will be waiting for the next post. Thanks for being friends with my grandchildren.

Erin dijo...

Good job! we're waiting for the next installment...

Muthering Heights dijo...

What a CUTE story!

Unknown dijo...

Guess you are going to have to get writing this summer, Michael. You have some fans waiting to hear the rest of the story.
I am so happy that you like to write. It´s a great talent. I pray you use it for God´s glory.

Jonathan Coloma dijo...

Hola Andrés,¿que tal estás? Me ha dado mucha alegría ver tu comentario en el blog. Gracias por escribirme. La verdad que pasé un buen tiempo en la cabaña y gracias por portarte bien =)
Espero que nos escribamos por aquí y si Dios quiere, verte el año que viene en Campamento.
Que Dios te bendiga Andrés.

Tu consejero: Jonatan C